About Us

The Story behind sQuuL®

Who are we?
We are an university lecturer for arabic (wife, "Z") and an aerospace engineer (husband, "M") with a great enthusiasm for art, culture and clothing.

How come an university lecturer and an aerospace engineer start a clothing brand?
That's a good question! The story begins in 2022 when "Z" told "M" about her idea of combining her excitement of unique and colorful clothing with having a side income by selling those clothes to other people. Besides wanting to support the idea of his wife, being an aerospace engineer with long term planning an execution habits, "M" approached this idea with a scheme of boundary conditions, pre-requisits and project planning phases (those who know, know :) ): "Let's start this right from the beginning, with our own brand, unique to us, not just resell what's out there already. Let's think about a cool name. Let's design a logo that's cool, too. Let's investigate online selling techniques and strategies. Let's ......" It became clear, that with an engineer on board who wanted to make it right from the beginning in the way, he thought made most sense, this needed time, which both of them had very little of. But tiny step by tiny step, this idea developed.

Very soon, though, it became clear that besides clothing there were two other things we felt enthusiastic about building and sharing with others. This is why the official business name "SQY Trading" was chosen to have the right foundation to contain all three ventures (sQuuL® being one of them) in one business from the very beginning. (The others are still under development). Interestingly enough, things like brand logos, names and colors were decided in a very early stage, without even having tried to sell one product. This may sound odd, because very often people start things like this by first trying things out, just start an online shop putting some regular clothes in and try to sell. But we wanted it to be unique, exclusive, expressive, we wanted it to be different.  

What is the philosophy of sQuuL®

1. Design Philosophy
Each and every one of our designs are unique and exclusively belong to sQuuL®. In fact, if you see one of our designs somewhere else they must have stolen it from us (please report). The main idea behind our clothes is to combine themes of art, culture, nature, and science with high quality clothing. That's why we created the "#SquulOf" themes and their respective collections. Each one of theses collections has a connection to something beautiful from nature, science, culture and art. The supplier of the base fabrics/textiles are chosen on the basis of high quality standards including quality control and transparency in production and sourcing.

2. Customer Relationship
We believe that a product is much more than the object, that is transferred to a customer as a result of a money transaction. We believe that the customer relationship itself is the distinctive aspect of a good product many tend to lose sight of or neglect entirely. That's why we want to make sure, that every customer has a positive buying experience with sQuuL®. When you contact us via contact@squul.com or using our contact form be assured that a) a human answers you, not a computer bot, and b) we will do our best to find the solution you will be happy with.

We are looking forward to feedback, be it encouragement or criticism, we value both alike!